Grevemberg House, Located in City Park, is a miracle of dedication and hard work on the part of the St. Mary Chapter of the Louisiana Landmarks Society.   A wonderful museum now, I remember, as a child, the derelict old wreck of a house that sat in the middle of our playground. Surrounded by modern playground equipment, picnic tables and ancient oaks the poor old house was an oddity.  The adults told us it was a haunted house in the hopes of keeping us away from it.  For the most part, it worked.
Now it is beautifully restored, a treasure to which playground equipment has taken a back seat.  More than open to the public, it is available to the people.  Grevemberg House is a hands on museum where brides have their pictures done and small parties take place.
The Greek revival home was built of cypress around 1851, by Henry C. Wilson.  It was acquired by the Grevemberg Family in 1857. 
The pediment is supported by four fabulous Corinthian columns and the house still boasts it's original cypress floors.
Furnished with antiques true to the period in which it was built, Grevemburg House has much to offer.
A wonderful collection of antique toys reside in the children's room, adding to the effect that you have stepped back in time.
 A significant collection of Civil War Memorabilia is also exhibited.  This collection includes relics from the Battle of Irish Bend, which took place nearby.  The remains of the Flag of the St. Mary Cannoneers is also displayed, having finally been returned to it's rightful home.
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